You may have seen nonprofits cite a number after 501(c). Perhaps you didn't really know what they meant. They refer to specific sections of the IRS tax code.
BoardSource provided an overview of four (4) different types of 501(c) organizations, as follows:
- 501(c)(3) = a charity, like One Health Organization
- 501(c)(4) = a professional or trade association, like the American Veterinary Medical Association
- 501(c)(4) = national social welfare organization, like the National Organization for Women
- 501(c)(7) = social organization, like swimming clubs
Only the IRS can make these determinations.
If you are looking to donate funds to a charity, make sure you know that it's been designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit before you donate. Check with your financial advisor or the person or company who helps you prepare your taxes to check if your donation is tax deductible for you.
To check out any nonprofit organization for yourself, visit GuideStar. If an IRS Form 990 was filled out, then you can see what kind of 501(c) nonprofit they are.

One Health Organization earned the Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile participation level in 2017! This leading symbol of nonprofit transparency and accountability is presented by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. We’re proud to use GuideStar Platinum to share our full and complete story with you and the rest of the world. By sharing these metrics, you can look beyond simplistic financial ratios to assess our progress.
In order to be awarded the 2017 Platinum Seal of Transparency, we added extensive information to our Nonprofit Profile: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; quantitative information about goals, strategies, and progress toward our mission. This was done just for you, someone who wants to know that your charitable gifts are being used where you want to make all the difference.
Check out our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile and tell us what you think.
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