One Health Organization News

Paws, Partnerships, and Progress: An Inspiring Visit to Gateway Animal Clinic

Written by One Health Organization | Aug 31, 2023 4:37:23 PM

One Health Organization paid a special visit to one of its most esteemed partners, Gateway Animal Clinic. For a remarkable decade, Gateway has stood as a loyal and dedicated Veterinary Partner, playing a vital role in the mission to ensure the health and happiness of both pets and their beloved human companions. The partnership began with a momentous milestone in September of 2014 when Gateway welcomed their first One Health Family Member (OHFM) and their cherished furry friend. Since then, this compassionate clinic has continued to accept our Veterinary Voucher Cards, facilitating countless pet health journeys and keeping families together under one loving roof. The impact has been profound, with an impressive total of 480 veterinary visits, including 315 visits for dogs and 165 visits for cats.

In a span of just two years, Gateway has provided over $50,000 worth of high-quality veterinary care, making a significant difference in the lives of numerous pets and their devoted human caretakers. The dedication of the veterinarians and staff at Gateway has not only kept pets healthy but has also brought immeasurable joy and relief to countless households, reinforcing the importance of such invaluable partnerships in the community.

During the visit, there was a heartwarming moment when the One Health Organization staff had the pleasure of meeting one of their success stories in person. Jose, unaccompanied by his cheerful dog Chico, was at the clinic to pick up medication. Back in May of 2020, Chico and Jose had become a shining testament to the positive impact of this collaboration, with Chico's health restored and Jose's happiness rejuvenated thanks to the exceptional care provided by Gateway Animal Clinic and the Veterinary Care Vouchers he received.

“We primarily work with our clients over the phone or through email so meeting someone in person was really special” said Ira Reynolds, Program Coordinator for One Health Organization. Because of the generosity of our donors and the continued compassion from our veterinary partners we can continue to serve the community. If you have ever been able to pay for veterinary care for your pet and not had to stress about the implications, please consider making a gift to support our work. 

As we continue to expand our network of compassionate Veterinary Partners, we invite any veterinary clinic interested in joining this meaningful endeavor to get in touch with Dr. Anna at Together, we can make a difference, one pet and one family at a time, fostering a world where pets thrive and their human companions find solace in the care they deserve. 

Photo Captions:

Group Photo: Pictured from left to right, Ira Reynolds, Program Coordinator at One Health Organization, Dr. Anna M. van Heeckeren, Founder, President and CEO of One Health Organization, Jose, One Health Family Member, and Dr. Melissa Marmaduke of Gateway Animal Hospital. 

Office Photo: Dr. Anna is pictured here with Client Care Specialist, Linda, processing a Voucher Card transaction for Jose. Chico needed medication to keep him free of parasites.