People & Pet Stories


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Since 2014, we've provided 660+ households in Northeast Ohio with the veterinary care their dogs and cats needed. The best way to understand the impact of our work is to hear the stories of the people and pets we've helped. We've gathered some of their stories here, and they're sure to inspire you!

Featured Success Story: Irene and Gypsy Rose

Featured Success Story: Irene and Gypsy Rose

In Northeast Ohio, there are about 35,000 households that qualify for Vouchers from One Health Organization, and we're not able to help them all. Tens of thousands of pets are not getting the veterinary care they need. These people care deeply about their pets and need your help. Read their stories here:

Each person involved in One Health Organization has a unique perspective on the meaningful work of providing veterinary care Vouchers to people and their dogs and cats in Northeast Ohio. Hear directly from Voucher recipients, Veterinary Partners, and volunteers in these testimonials: