There are One Health Heroes all around us. Irene is a One Health Hero because she rescued Gypsy from homelessness. She makes sure that Gypsy has a loving home with food and shelter. Gypsy is a One Health Hero because she rescues Irene from sadness, fear, and loneliness every day. But Irene is disabled; the monthly expenses for her own care are difficult to manage as it is.
Irene wants to provide the medical care that Gypsy requires every year. She shouldn’t have to choose between her pet’s needs and her own needs. Without adequate veterinary care services, Gypsy can suffer from medical neglect and suffer undue pain and distress. The only way that Irene can afford veterinary care services for Gypsy is through your generosity.
There are thousands of pets like Gypsy Rose and her person Irene living together in Northeast Ohio. We need you to help just one of these households.
What does it cost to help pets like Gypsy Rose and people like Irene?
- Annual veterinary care for one pet is about $250 (fees vary by a pet's individual needs and the veterinary care provider).
- It costs about $50 to screen one applicant to determine financial need.
- Providing a household with personalized resources that they may access costs about $25.
- It costs about $12.50 to prepare, print, and send personalized Vouchers for pet healthcare services to one household.
- Processing used Vouchers costs about $27.50 for every household.
What can you do? You can be a One Health Hero by making a donation.
Take action now. Tomorrow may be too late. We need you to be their One Health Hero.
Please consider making a donation of $5, $10, or more. Thank you for your kind consideration!