My Chico is my life — he means the world to me. I do everything in my power to make sure he doesn't go without. He's my lifeline and companion. — Jose H.
Now, more than ever, it's important that our work continues as an essential business. For many older adults and people with disabilities like Jose, their pets are their only family and getting outside was difficult even before the pandemic.
Wondering what you can do to help? Here are a few ways that you can make a difference:
- Pay it forward by making a gift today to help older adults and people with disabilities keep their pets healthy.
- Email us at with a picture of how you and your pet (if you have one) are spending your days at home, and we'll post it on the website. You're a treasured part of the One Health Family, too!
- Send a few words of gratitude to our Veterinary Partners for working with our One Health Family Members and other low-income pet parents. You can fill out the online form at Thank You Veterinary Partners.
Thank you for your partnership. Wishing you health and wellness!