Veterinary Assistance Success Stories

Twinkle's Light: A Story of Comfort and Care

Written by Anna M. van Heeckeren, DVM | Aug 6, 2024 1:15:00 PM

Meet Susan and her beloved dog, Twinkle, a 13-year-old poodle with a heart full of love and a gentle soul. Susan and Twinkle's story is a touching tale of rescue and companionship. 

A Special Bond

Susan and Twinkle's journey began when Susan adopted the 8.5-year-old poodle from a rescue. Twinkle, who had been a mother at the mill, immediately brought immense joy and companionship to Susan's life. 

Now at 13, Twinkle, who has a bit of arthritis, is a beloved member of their senior citizens building, often acting as a comfort dog. "She just brightens my day, gives me reasons to go out and visit with others," Susan shared.

A Community Comforter

Twinkle's gentle nature extends beyond Susan's home. She has become the "person-dog" of the entire building.

Susan often takes her to a grief recovery group, where Twinkle instinctively offers companionship and support to those who need it most. "She sits next to them and helps them. If somebody's upset, she gets up and goes over to them," Susan explained. "She's turned herself into a little dog that comforts all kinds of people."

The Gift of Care

One Health Organization's Voucher Program has been a lifeline for Susan and Twinkle, providing essential preventive care, including vaccinations and arthritis medication.

One Health Voucher Cards help pet parents cover annual wellness visits, disease tests, annual vaccinations, sick care, costs associated with spay/neuter procedures and end-of-life care.

Susan found One Health online and describes it as "a godsend." She shared, "It helps to make sure she is up on her shots and her arthritis medications so that she can live a longer life for both of us."

"There were times that I maybe would not have been able to get her exams or get her flea and heartworm treatments if I didn't have the help," Susan said.

Support the Cause

As Susan beautifully put it, "One Health is wonderful. I mean, it is just just amazing. It's just so important for seniors, and people that don't have the income to really take good care of their pets, because, you know, pets are our family."

She expresses gratitude for the donors who understand how important our connections are with our pets. By donating to One Health Organization, you can help pets like Twinkle continue to receive the care they need, allowing them to bring joy and comfort to their families. Susan encourages others in need to seek help, saying, "It would really help you and your pet live a longer, healthier life." 

Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of pets and their owners.