Voucher Cards for Veterinarians in Northeast Ohio


We help you provide care when clients can't afford it.

You get asked to provide your services for free. All. The. Time. We can help. 

You can be paid to serve low-income clients through the Veterinary Payment Program (aka One Health Family Member Benefits Program) using Veterinary Care Voucher Debit Cards provided to qualified households by One Health Organization.

About Our Voucher Card Program

Since 2014, we've provided $428K in needed veterinary care to 2,010+ households in Northeast Ohio. When you become a One Health Organization Veterinary Partner, you help promote pet health for all dogs and cats in the region.

Here's a brief description of how the Voucher Card program works (NEW instructions as of 2/1/2023 - pardon the dust as we work on re-constructing all of the relevant web pages and appropriate links):

  1. You become a Veterinary Partner. It's FREE and EASY.
  2. Our mutual client, a One Health Family Member, uses their Veterinary Care Voucher Card to pay you for providing quality veterinary care.
  3. You process payment online.
  4. You finish the payment process by submitting the client invoice to us.
  5. We pay you quickly.

You can learn more about the Voucher Program below.

Resources for Veterinarians and their Staff

1. Become a Veterinary Partner: Accept Voucher Cards as payment. This helps low-income clients afford veterinary care for their dogs or cats. Read more below to find out more. If you're ready to become a Veterinary Partner, click here to make your intentions known.

2. Resources for Your Clients: Our Northeast Ohio Pet Resources page provides links to many resources for pet owners in Northeast Ohio.

3. Healthy Pets, Healthy People: For veterinary resources to help pets and people stay healthy together, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People web page.

4. Help the Voucher Program Thrive: If you, your staff, or a client want to help the Voucher Program thrive, consider one of many options listed.

If you have a question or can't find what you need, contact us — we’ll be happy to talk to you. We can’t do this work without you!

Exploring the Voucher Card Program for Veterinary Staff

Why should our veterinary practice get involved?

You care about your animal patients. We care that you can provide veterinary care to pets no matter the financial capacity of your client. We established the Veterinary Payment Program to help you serve pet owners who simply need a little financial support to afford essential care.

Is there any cost to us to participate?


Are we expected to give clients a discount?

No. It would be appreciated if you could.

How can you guarantee that veterinary practices will get paid?

We guarantee that if there is a balance on the card we have the money in the bank to make payment. Any Voucher Card issued to a One Health Family Member acts like a debit card payment for you.

Are low-income pet owners motivated to take care of their pets?

Yes. Pet owners who contact us want to provide quality veterinary care for their pets.

What service area does the Veterinary Payment Program cover?

This program is for veterinary practices providing services to people living in Northeast Ohio, which includes Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit counties.

Where must my practice be located to become a Veterinary Partner?

Veterinary practices located inside or outside the seven-county service area (Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit) are allowed to accept Voucher Cards as payment from One Health Family Members. As long as they become Veterinary Partners.

Where can the Veterinary Care Voucher Debit Cards be used?

Only at participating veterinary clinics. Any veterinary practice can sign up to become a participating veterinary clinic at any time. It's FREE and EASY.

When does the veterinary clinic get paid?

Payment can be expected shortly after we receive the invoice for services rendered.

How does the veterinary clinic get paid?

The quickest way to be paid is via EFT/ACH. Otherwise, you can expect to get a check mailed to you.

Ready to Become a Veterinary Partner?

It's FREE and EASY, as indicated below. 

  1. Contact us. Let us know if you're interested or if you need more answers before making a final decision.
  2. You send us a copy of your recent IRS Form W-9 so that we may be compliant with the law.
  3. We give you your organization's unique information to access the online SwipeIt WebTerminal on your computer to process Voucher Card transactions.
  4. We send payment electronically by direct deposit. It's safe and secure

How the Veterinary Payment Program Thrives

Resources One Health Organization needs to exist, thrive, and grow

We rely on the compassion and generosity of people to get involved as donors and volunteers help us keep costs down. Most of our funding comes from individuals, grants, sponsorships, and matching gifts from donors' employers. Anyone can make a donation in any amount to keep our program thriving.

Ways you can help make the Veterinary Payment Program more successful

There are many EASY and FREE ways just about anyone can do to help. Here are ten options that you can consider. You may also use these to promote your practice, regardless of whether you see many mutual clients or not. 

  1. Place a link on your website to our website. We can supply you with our logo if you wish.
  2. Like or follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn), and share our posts with your followers.
  3. Let your clients know that you are a Veterinary Partner and accept Veterinary Care Voucher Debit Cards as payment.
  4. Refer clients to us who might make good volunteers or may want to donate.
  5. Write a blog post about dog or cat care and we can promote your practice online.
  6. Share a story about a client and their pet you were able to help because of the Voucher Cards provided by One Health Organization.
  7. Record a conversation with Dr. Anna about a pet care topic over Zoom that we can share. 
  8. Host a small behind-the-scenes tour at your location for special guests, which could include your best clients and our loyal donors. 
  9. Start an online fundraiser using our easy Givebutter platform, such as that used for our annual One Health Giving Day in November or the Veterinary Teams for One Health Organization.
  10. Have an idea of your own. Contact us today to discuss it.