We're pleased to let you know that several community news outlets are helping us spread the word about caring for dogs and cats and keeping the whole family healthy and happy.
Apparently, people like to read about pets. I shouldn't be surprised now that about 70% of households have at least one pet.
While we're distributing information to people living with dogs and cats through several digital media platforms we use (email, website, and social media), it never hurts to spread the word through other trusted sources, such as community news outlets.
For instance, we had the opportunity for one of our success stories to be featured in Cleveland.com in these Northeast Ohio communities:
Starting with their March 2022 edition, we publish information once monthly in Stroll Gates Mills (formerly known as Gates Mills Living). It's been a pleasure working with the publisher. As the name implies, this information goes out to residents of Gates Mills and other interested parties.
Now, we have the opportunity to publish information through Northeast Ohio Boomer & Beyond, reaching adults 50+ in our communities. This will help provide information to a broader community. We're excited that it will be delivered to a group of people who were the first to benefit from our Veterinary Care Voucher program if they were income qualified. Since then, we eliminated the age restriction in order to qualify.
One resource we created includes A Pet Parent's Guide to Caring for Your Dog or Cat, which can be helpful information for anyone no matter where they live. It's especially helpful for someone who hasn't chosen their dog or cat yet and they're looking to choose carefully and plan ahead for pet care needs throughout the life of their pet.
We know that people want to review multiple sources so that they can make an informed decision about keeping their furbabies healthy and happy. They also want to know when it's time to make final end-of-life decisions for their pets. This is never an easy discussion to have, and one that veterinarians have all too often.
If you represent a news outlet and you want to help provide information about pet care to your constituents, don't hesitate to send me an email to discuss how we can work together.
In the meantime, you can subscribe to our Healthy Pet Gazette to receive our once-monthly e-newsletter or you can read our helpful People and Pets Blog.